
At GLZ Abogados, we have specialists in sports law, offering legal services that cover various areas related to sports such as:

  • Negotiation of contracts with players, agents, managers and members of the coaching staff, among others.
  • Negotiation and implementation of legal strategies for the termination of contracts.
  • Study, evaluation and implementation of legal strategies to terminate employment relationships with clubs and professional players.
  • Legal advice for the negotiation and drafting of sports sponsorship contracts, transfer of players, representation and sale of players' economic rights, exploitation of image and broadcasting rights, among others.
  • Legal representation of professional clubs and players before ordinary and sports courts, including the processing of proceedings before the FMF, FIFA, CAAD and TAS.
  • Legal advice for trademark registration with the Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property and legal opinion on image rights.
  • Review and drafting of internal regulations for professional clubs, in accordance with regulations issued by FIFA and FMF.

En GLZ Abogados, eficientamos la práctica legal:

Nuestra Firma, se encuentra integrada por abogados que cuentan con una sólida experiencia en sus áreas de especialización, lo que les permite, gracias a una actualización continua, prestar una asesoría legal apegada a la realidad de los negocios del cliente, considerando todos los aspectos que conllevan sus decisiones comerciales.

conocer al equipo
awards and recognitions
Our firm is recognized among the most relevant directories worldwide
Somos la culminación de 14 años de dedicación, pasión y excelencia en el servicio jurídico.

Andrew Richard Grepe Stockdale

Managing Partner

With more than 20 years of experience, Andrew stands out as an expert in employment and sports law, successfully representing companies in high-profile litigation and providing advice in various industries. He is a founding partner and current Office Managing Partner at GLZ Abogados.

(55) 5545 1884
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