
Our firm offers extensive experience in tax matters, both from a litigation point of view and in the prevention of tax contingencies derived from commercial transactions. In this regard, we provide comprehensive advice to our clients in:

  • Design of operating structures that consider labor, corporate, corporate and other aspects, with the objective of avoiding tax problems.
  • Specialized guidance for specific transactions such as the sale of real estate, shares, corporate restructurings and estate planning, ensuring full compliance with tax obligations.
  • Tax defense before local and federal authorities: With a solid track record, our team of experts addresses both the legality and constitutionality of government actions and the issuance of laws.

We have represented numerous clients in a wide variety of litigation involving various local and federal contributions and filed before different judicial bodies, including the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

En GLZ Abogados, eficientamos la práctica legal:

Nuestra Firma, se encuentra integrada por abogados que cuentan con una sólida experiencia en sus áreas de especialización, lo que les permite, gracias a una actualización continua, prestar una asesoría legal apegada a la realidad de los negocios del cliente, considerando todos los aspectos que conllevan sus decisiones comerciales.

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awards and recognitions
Our firm is recognized among the most relevant directories worldwide
Somos la culminación de 14 años de dedicación, pasión y excelencia en el servicio jurídico.

Ana Sylvia Lavín Santacruz


Ana Sylvia specializes in corporate law, real estate, trusts, inheritance, tax, compliance and money laundering prevention. Its extensive expertise allows it to offer effective solutions that seek to solve the difficulties and needs of its customers.

(55) 5545 1884

Juan Ignacio López Domínguez


Juan Ignacio is a prominent lawyer recognized as “Next Generation Lawyer” and “Rising Star” by Legal 500 on multiple occasions. He specializes in tax consulting and litigation, with experience advising clients in complex financial transactions and strategic litigation.

(55) 5545 1884
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