October 4, 2024


The Agreement on the General Provisions for the Operation of the Single Registry of Investment Projects was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on September 30, 2024. This agreement establishes the guidelines and requirements for domestic and foreign investors to register their investment projects in Mexico, centralizing the procedures and facilitating monitoring through the Single Window for investors. This mechanism comes into effect on October 1, 2024 and seeks to promote an environment of greater transparency and efficiency.

It emerges in the context of the reforms promoted by the Mexican government to improve the investment climate and simplify administrative processes. Its main objective is to make it easier for investors to register and monitor their projects through a single window, optimizing the necessary procedures for the installation and expansion of new investments. This measure seeks to promote a more agile and transparent environment to attract domestic and foreign capital.

The agreement establishes the guidelines that will govern the operation of the Single Registry of Investment Projects (RUPI), a centralized mechanism that will facilitate the registration of projects, offering a simplified and efficient process to investors.

OBJECTIVE: Facilitate and guide investors through a unique registration system, simplifying the necessary procedures for investment projects that contribute to the country's economic development.

The RUPI is one of the key measures implemented by the Mexican government to improve the investment environment, in line with the National Investment Promotion Strategy.

SINGLE WINDOW: The registration is carried out through the Single Window for Investors (VUI), allowing interested parties to obtain an electronic certificate that certifies the registration of the project.

ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS: To register a project, investors must register in the system, providing information such as the RFC, contact details, investment amount, and others. It is necessary to use the advanced electronic signature (e.signature) to complete the process.

FOLLOW-UP PROCESS: Confident investors have access to the support of the Secretariat of Economy for the management of federal procedures related to the installation or expansion of the project.

BENEFITS: The use of electronic media and the reduction of procedures promote efficiency and transparency in investment management, in line with national development strategies.

This record not only streamlines administrative processes, but it also ensures detailed monitoring of each project through constant monitoring by the Secretariat of Economy. In addition, the use of electronic media reduces the possibility of errors, allowing greater transparency in investment management.


The enrollment process in the RUPI is simple and seeks to make it easier for investors to register their investment projects. Below, we explain the key steps and the documents you'll need:

  1. Access to the Single Window: Access the portal of the One-Stop Window for Investment Projects through the website of the Secretariat of Economy.
  2. Account Creation: If this is your first time using the system, you'll need to create an account by providing:

    Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC); and
    Contact details (email and telephone)
  3. Project Information Submission: Once the account is created, you will need to record the details of the investment project, including:

    I. Description of the project (type of investment, economic sector);
    II. Estimated investment amount;
    III. Project Location;
    IV. Expected schedule (key start and end dates); and
    V. Details of the legal representative of the project.
  4. Electronic Signature (e.signature): To validate the registration, you must use the advanced electronic signature (e.signature), which guarantees the authenticity and security of the process.
  5. Receipt of the Constance: Once the registration is complete, you will receive a electronic record which certifies that the project has been registered with the RUPI.
  6. Accompaniment and Follow-up: With the certificate in hand, you can access the support from the Secretariat of Economy, which helps manage the necessary procedures for the installation.

As we have mentioned, investors who obtain proof of registration in the RUPI can access the support of the Ministry of Economy, which coordinates the necessary procedures with other federal, state or municipal authorities, ensuring that projects comply with all applicable regulations.

This agreement guarantees that investors have constant and simplified support to materialize their projects, creating a favorable environment for both domestic and foreign investments.

It is important to note that investors who have already started the procedures for installing projects before October 1, 2024, will have a period of 90 days to regularize their situation and register with the RUPI.

In short, the Single Registry of Investment Projects represents an important step towards the simplification and transparency of administrative procedures in Mexico, encouraging both national and international investors to develop projects that promote the country's economic development.


The considerations contained therein are based solely on Mexican legislation in force at the date of drafting this document and in the event of changes in the applicable legislation or if we become aware of any fact that could result in a change in the conclusions expressed in this document after the date of its preparation, we do not assume any obligation to supplement it. We are at your disposal for any questions or comments related to this document.
