July 10, 2024

Work days

The Federal Labor Law in its third title chapter II explains the type of working hours that exist in labor relations.


However, working day is the time that the worker will provide his service to carry out the work activities available and under the subordination of the employer, these parties may set the duration of that working day provided that the legal maximums established by the Federal Labor Law are respected.


The types of days are:

  • Daytime lasts between six and twenty hours.
  • The night shift lasts between twenty and six hours.
  • A mixed day includes both periods of day and night work, but the night shift must be less than three and a half hours, because if it includes three and a half hours or more, it will be considered a night shift.


From the above, we can deduce that the legal maximums that can be stipulated per day, and in turn per week are:

Finally, it is extremely important to keep in mind that during the continuous working day, the worker must be given a break of at least half an hour. However, when the worker is unable to leave the place where he provides his services during rest or meal hours, the corresponding time will be counted as effective time of the working day.


When workers have more than half an hour of daily restto eat their food or rest without being available to the boss, as well as the possibility of leaving the facilities where they provide their services, The journey will be considered discontinuous and you can't count the rest schedule as part of the workday.


Hoping that this information will be useful, we are at your disposal for any questions or clarifications in this regard.
